For Immediate Press Release

May 31, 2020

Contact Tracy Flood, President (360)271-3381

We stand with our Minneapolis Branch of the NAACP. The murder of George Floyd by police is an unspeakable tragedy. Sadly, police brutality against the Black community has been an ever-present occurrence, dating back to its roots as a method used to preserve the system of slavery. Between 1920 and 1938 the NAACP flew a flag outside its offices that read “A Man Was Lynched Yesterday” to mark the lynching of Black people in the United States. It is a shame that almost a century later, Black people continue to be brutalized and killed by racists.

The arrest of Officer Derek Chauvin is not enough. There are three other officers who are just as complicit in killing Mr. Floyd. We want them all charged for their role in this inexcusable death.

We are not exempt locally on law enforcement issues. While leadership has made a statement, we demand that more must be done. On Friday we are extending an invitation to our law enforcement leaders to join the zoom panel for an open dialog. This is a call to action beyond protests. The following will be addressed: that our Kitsap municipalities have standing Citizen’s Review Boards – with subpoena power and/or an accountability structure put in place to do so and that Police Departments ban the use of Knee Holds as acceptable in Use of Force Continuums. This is a call to action Bremerton, Bainbridge, Port Orchard, Poulsbo law enforcement leaders will you answer the call?


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